Tuesday, 1 March 2016

I'm Baaaaaack - Sorry for the long silence

I must apologize for the silence of the last year. The last year of my working outside the home took its toll on me. I was overwhelmed and that brought on illness.

Last October, I was laid off from my job. I believe fervently that this was a blessing. Just two weeks after being laid off, my husband, Mark became an elder at our congregation. I think this may have been God's way of preparing us for that. I am now free to help him in whatever way necessary. My health has greatly improved and the free time has also given me the opportunity to spend more time in study, meditation and prayer.

I recently attended WOW in Grapevine, TX, a weekend devoted to women and our service to the King. While there, I was approached by a dear sister and asked when I was going to start up my blog again.

So... here it is.

I want to promise that I will post every week, but we all know how life can sometimes get in the way. So, I will promise, with the Lord's help, I will post every week that He grants me the time and energy to do so.

I am open to suggestions, if there are any subjects you would like to see addressed.

This is just my apology and introduction back into the blogging community. I will post again later this week with my first installment of the new work.

May the Lord bless and keep you, may He make His face to shine upon you.

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